20 Popular Backyard Birds in Texas (With Pictures!)

Backyard birds in texas

Texas is a birdwatcher’s paradise, boasting an impressive array of avian species that can be observed right in your own backyard. With over 600 bird species recorded in the state, Texas offers an unparalleled opportunity for bird enthusiasts to witness a diverse range of feathered visitors.

The varied landscapes and mild climate of the Lone Star State create ideal conditions for both resident and migratory birds, making backyard bird watching a popular and rewarding hobby.

While the number of potential backyard visitors is vast, this article will focus on the 20 most popular species that commonly grace Texas backyards, helping you identify and appreciate these winged wonders that bring life and color to your outdoor spaces.

1) Northern Cardinal

Northern cardinal in texas

The Northern Cardinal is a prominent backyard bird in Texas, recognized for its striking coloration. The male displays vivid red plumage, while the female features a more subdued warm-brown color with red accents on her wings and tail.

These birds are adaptable and can thrive in various environments, including woodlands, suburban neighborhoods, and near rivers. They are common visitors to bird feeders, making them a favorite among birdwatchers.

Northern Cardinals are most frequently observed throughout Texas and are known to form flocks in winter. Their cheerful songs contribute to the lively atmosphere in gardens and parks across the state.

2) Blue Jay

Blue jay in texas

The Blue Jay is a common sight in Texas backyards year-round. Known for their striking blue plumage and distinctive call, these birds are both social and intelligent.

Blue Jays typically prefer platform or tray feeders. They often grab peanuts or sunflower seeds, taking them away to eat in a safer location. Their diet also includes insects, fruits, and even small vertebrates.

Nesting occurs in late March through August, often in wooded areas. Blue Jays build cup-shaped nests between 10 and 25 feet above the ground. They lay 2 to 7 eggs, which range in color from bluish to brownish.

3) American Robin

American robin in texas

The American Robin is a prominent bird found throughout Texas. Recognizable by its distinctive orange chest and brownish-gray back, this songbird measures approximately 20 to 28 centimeters in length.

American Robins are commonly seen in both urban and rural areas. They are year-round residents in Texas, often foraging for earthworms and fruits in gardens and parks.

During spring and summer, these birds are particularly active and can be heard singing. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in a variety of habitats, making them a familiar sight in many backyards.

4) Carolina Wren

Carolina wren

The Carolina Wren is a common backyard bird in Texas. It is often identified by its dark brown upper body and lighter brown underside. This species features a distinctive white eyebrow stripe and an upright tail.

Carolina Wrens do not migrate and can be seen year-round. They thrive in various habitats, primarily in the southeastern United States. These birds are known for their loud, varied songs, which are a familiar sound in many neighborhoods.

They primarily feed on insects and other small invertebrates, but they also enjoy seeds and suet at feeders.

5) Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed hawk in texas

The Red-tailed Hawk is one of the most recognized birds of prey in Texas. This large raptor features a distinctive reddish-brown tail and a strong, robust build.

Typically, they measure between 17.7 to 25.6 inches in length. Their weight ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 pounds, making them formidable hunters.

They thrive in open fields and can be spotted soaring high in the sky. Their keen eyesight allows them to survey the ground for prey, which includes small mammals and birds.

Red-tailed Hawks are known for their high-pitched cries, often heard in the wild. Their adaptability and striking appearance make them a favorite among bird watchers.

6) Mourning Dove

Mourning dove in texas

Mourning Doves are one of the most prevalent bird species in Texas. They are easily recognizable due to their grayish-brown plumage and distinctive blue eye-ring.

These medium-sized birds measure approximately 9 to 13 inches in length. Mourning Doves are often seen foraging on the ground for seeds or perched on utility wires.

They are year-round residents and can adapt to various habitats, including urban areas and open fields. Their gentle cooing calls are a familiar sound in backyards across the state.

Population estimates for mourning doves in Texas reach around 34.3 million, showcasing their thriving presence. These birds play an important role in local ecosystems, particularly in seed dispersal.

7) Downy Woodpecker

Downy woodpecker in texas

The Downy Woodpecker is a small bird commonly found in Texas. It typically measures 5.5 to 6.7 inches in length and weighs between 0.7 and 1.0 ounces.

This woodpecker prefers a variety of habitats, including residential areas, cities, and wooded regions. They are primarily seen in the eastern part of Texas year-round.

Downy Woodpeckers are known for their distinctive black-and-white plumage, with a slight red patch on the back of the male’s head. They visit backyard feeders, enjoying suet and nuts.

Their drumming and calls are characteristic sounds in many Texas neighborhoods, making them a familiar part of local avifauna.

8) Eastern Bluebird

Eastern bluebird in texas

The Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) is a striking species commonly found in Texas. Males showcase vibrant blue plumage with a brick-red breast, while females present a more subdued appearance with grayish-blue tones.

Historically, these birds faced population declines due to a lack of nesting sites. They prefer habitats with open areas for foraging and trees or ledges for nesting.

Eastern Bluebirds are cavity nesters, meaning they seek enclosed spaces for breeding. They are often seen in parks, fields, and suburban neighborhoods, making them a familiar sight in Texas gardens.

9) House Finch

House finch

The House Finch is a common sight in Texas backyards. It thrives in urban and suburban environments, often found near buildings, parks, and residential areas.

These birds measure about 5.1 to 5.5 inches in length. Males typically display rosy red faces, while females are more subdued in color.

House Finches primarily feed on seeds, with black oil sunflower seeds being a favorite. They are also attracted to millet and safflower seeds.

Their cheerful song adds a delightful ambiance to gardens. House Finches are year-round residents in Texas, easily spotted as they forage on the ground or perch in nearby trees.

10) Great-tailed Grackle

Great-tailed grackle

The Great-tailed Grackle, scientifically known as Quiscalus mexicanus, is commonly found across Texas. This bird stands out due to its striking appearance, particularly the iridescent black and purple plumage of the male.

They can reach a wingspan of 19 to 23 inches and a length of 15 to 18 inches. Females are typically smaller and display rich brown feathers.

Great-tailed Grackles are social birds, often seen in large flocks. They are known to inhabit diverse areas, including suburban lawns, golf courses, and marshes. Their loud calls and dynamic behavior make them a familiar sight and sound in many Texas backyards.

11) Western Kingbird

Western kingbird

The Western Kingbird (Tyrannus verticalis) is commonly found across Texas and is known for its distinctive yellow belly. This species is part of the flycatcher family and is recognized for its agile hunting skills.

These birds are often seen perched on fences or low branches, where they scan for insects. Their diet primarily consists of insects, which they catch in mid-flight.

During breeding season, they prefer open habitats, including grasslands and agricultural areas. They are social birds that can often be found in small groups, especially during migration.

Western Kingbirds are known for their vocalizations, which includes a series of sharp calls that can often be heard in their territory. Their striking appearance and energetic behavior make them a favorite among birdwatchers in Texas.

12) Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped warbler

The Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) is a prominent winter bird in Texas. They are typically seen from September to May, making them a common sight during the cooler months.

These warblers are adept foragers, often found in trees but also seen on the ground, rummaging through leaf litter. Their diet includes insects, fruits, and seeds, with backyard feeders attracting them.

The species is recognized by its distinctive, loud song, often described as “tsee-tsee-TSEE-TSEE-tsee.” Yellow-rumped Warblers appear in approximately 34% of winter birdwatchers’ checklists in Texas.

13) American Goldfinch

American goldfinch in texas

The American Goldfinch is a small, vibrant songbird commonly found in Texas. Males showcase bright yellow plumage during the breeding season, with black wings and a cap, while females are more subdued in color.

These birds primarily feed on sunflower seeds, thistles, and dandelions. They are often spotted foraging in weedy fields and gardens, sometimes visiting backyard feeders.

American Goldfinches are known for their cheerful songs, characterized by a series of rapid notes. Their playful nature and social behavior make them delightful backyard companions.

14) Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Black-bellied whistling duck

The Black-bellied Whistling Duck is a distinctive species known for its long legs and vibrant pink bill. This duck features a cinnamon-colored body with a black belly and a white wing patch.

Typically found in Texas and Louisiana, these ducks are often seen in noisy flocks. They frequent fields to forage for seeds and can be spotted loafing on ponds.

Nesting habits include using cavities over water or elevated sites, depending on availability. They create a shallow nest using dry grass, which provides suitable cover.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks are social and vocal, recognized for their unique whistling calls. Their adaptability to various habitats makes them a notable presence among Texas backyard birds.

15) Great Horned Owl

Great horned owl

The Great Horned Owl is one of the most recognizable birds of prey in Texas. These large owls often have distinctive tufted “horns” and a diverse brown plumage that aids in camouflage.

They are known for their adaptability and can thrive in various environments, including forests, deserts, and urban areas. Great Horned Owls are often seen perched in tall trees or on fence posts, surveying their territory.

They are also early nesters, often starting their breeding season in winter. Incubating females can be spotted even under blankets of snow. Their diet mainly consists of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles.

Great Horned Owls are often heard at night, their deep hoots echoing through the quiet. Birdwatchers can locate them in wooded edges and fields near water sources, making these majestic creatures a thrilling sight in backyard wildlife.

16) Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated hummingbird in texas

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird, scientifically known as Archilochus colubris, is a small, vibrant bird commonly found in Texas. It measures about 2.8 to 3.5 inches in length and weighs between 0.1 to 0.2 ounces.

This species is unique as it is the only hummingbird that breeds east of the Mississippi River. It migrates to eastern breeding grounds, often flying over 500 miles non-stop across the Gulf of Mexico.

These birds are known for their territorial behavior and are particularly attracted to red, tubular flowers. They frequent areas with abundant flowering plants, making them popular among gardeners and birdwatchers in the region.

17) Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Scissor-tailed flycatcher in texas

The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher is a striking bird commonly found in Texas. It is known for its long, forked tail, which can reach up to 20 cm (7.9 inches). This distinctive feature resembles an open pair of scissors.

These birds are often seen perched on fence wires, where their gray and salmon-pink plumage stands out. They are agile hunters, catching insects midair with sharp maneuvers.

During the summer months, Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are frequent visitors to yards and open fields. They nest in isolated trees, such as mesquite, making them a beautiful addition to the Texas landscape.

18) Northern Mockingbird

Northern mockingbird in texas

The Northern Mockingbird is recognized as the state bird of Texas. It is known for its gray and white plumage and has a size ranging from 8.3 to 10.2 inches in length.

These birds are notable for their vocal abilities, capable of mimicking the songs of other birds and various sounds in their environment. Their song can be heard throughout the day and even at night.

Northern Mockingbirds are year-round residents in Texas. They often establish territories and can be aggressive towards other bird species, particularly when defending food sources or nesting areas.

Northern Mockingbird primarily consumes insects, fruits, and seeds. Their adaptability to suburban and urban environments makes them common in backyards across the state.

19) Painted Bunting

Painted bunting in texas

The Painted Bunting is a small, colorful songbird commonly found in Texas. Males display striking blue heads, red underparts, and green backs, while females are more subdued in green and yellow hues.

These birds prefer dense thickets and shrubbery, making them difficult to spot. They are more often heard than seen, particularly when males sing in the early morning.

Painted Buntings are primarily seed eaters. They tend to avoid backyard feeders, as they prefer to stay close to cover for safety. This behavior contributes to their secretive nature, further emphasizing the need for open, brushy areas in their habitat.

In Texas, they are most commonly observed from May to July during nesting season. Many visitors seek these vibrant birds, especially in the eastern regions of the state.

20) Red-winged Blackbird

Red-winged blackbird in texas

The Red-winged Blackbird is a common presence in Texas, found year-round in various habitats. It thrives in marshes, fields, and areas near water.

Males are distinctive with their glossy black feathers and vibrant red and yellow wing patches. They are known for their territorial displays and can mate with multiple females during the breeding season.

This species often visits backyard feeders, attracted to mixed grain and seeds. Their nests are typically built in marsh vegetation, 3 to 6 feet above the water.

Breeding occurs from early April to August, making them a regular sight for bird watchers during these months. Red-winged Blackbirds are an important part of Texas’s avian diversity.

Kayden bliss

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