Backyard Birds in Delaware (25 Species with Pictures!)
Birdwatching is a rewarding hobby that offers a glimpse into the diverse avian life found in various regions. Delaware is a bird lover’s paradise, boasting an impressive array of avian species that can be observed right in your own backyard.
With approximately 429 species of birds recorded in the state, Delaware offers a diverse and exciting birdwatching experience. From colorful songbirds to majestic raptors, the backyards of Delaware are teeming with feathered visitors throughout the year.
While the official state list contains 429 species, many of these can be spotted in residential areas. In this article, we’ll explore the 25 most popular backyard birds in Delaware, helping you identify and appreciate the winged wonders that frequent your outdoor spaces.
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- 1) Northern Cardinal
- 2) American Robin
- 3) Blue Jay
- 4) Mourning Dove
- 5) Carolina Wren
- 6) House Sparrow
- 7) American Goldfinch
- 8) Eastern Bluebird
- 9) Red-winged Blackbird
- 10) Song Sparrow
- 11) Baltimore Oriole
- 12) Downy Woodpecker
- 13) Common Grackle
- 14) Eastern Towhee
- 15) Tufted Titmouse
- 16) White-breasted Nuthatch
- 17) Gray Catbird
- 18) Indigo Bunting
- 19) Cedar Waxwing
- 20) House Finch
- 21) Barn Swallow
- 22) European Starling
- 23) Northern Mockingbird
- 24) Eastern Phoebe
- 25) Chipping Sparrow
1) Northern Cardinal
The Northern Cardinal is a prominent species in Delaware. This bird is easily identified by its bright red plumage and distinctive black mask on males. Females exhibit more subdued colors, featuring a mix of brown and hints of red.
These birds are common in a variety of habitats, including backyards, gardens, and parks. They are year-round residents, ensuring their presence throughout all seasons.
Northern Cardinals are known for their clear, melodic songs, which consist of a series of whistles. They are often seen visiting bird feeders, especially in winter when food sources may be scarce.
This species typically feeds on seeds, fruits, and insects, making it versatile in terms of diet. Their striking appearance and pleasant songs contribute to their popularity among birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.
2) American Robin
The American Robin is a common sight in Delaware backyards. Known for its distinctive orange-red breast and melodious song, it is a favorite among birdwatchers.
These birds are often seen foraging for food, primarily consisting of insects and berries. They are especially attracted to areas with open lawns and berry-producing shrubs.
In the spring, they return from their wintering grounds, making them a symbol of the season. American Robins can be drawn to feeders offering mealworms and fruit.
Planting native berry-producing plants can also create a welcoming environment for these adaptable birds. They thrive in various habitats, making them one of the most recognized birds in North America.
3) Blue Jay
The Blue Jay is a striking bird known for its vibrant blue plumage and distinctive call. This bird can be found throughout Delaware, often visiting backyards in search of food.
Blue Jays prefer feeders that accommodate their size. They enjoy platform feeders, peanut feeders, and those with large perches. Providing a variety of seeds, nuts, and suet can attract them regularly.
In addition to food, Blue Jays are drawn to fresh water sources. Bird baths or shallow dishes offer ideal spots for bathing and drinking. Their intelligence and adaptability make them fascinating visitors for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts.
4) Mourning Dove
The Mourning Dove is a common sight in Delaware backyards. This bird is recognized by its soft brown plumage and distinctive mourning call.
Mourning Doves are medium-sized birds, measuring between 22 to 36 cm in length. They are known for their slender bodies and long tail feathers.
These birds primarily feed on seeds, making them frequent visitors to yard feeders. They prefer platform feeders or scattered seeds on the ground.
Their gentle nature and soft cooing sounds make them a favorite among birdwatchers. Mourning Doves can often be seen perched on wires or in trees, seeking calm, open spaces.
5) Carolina Wren
The Carolina Wren is a common sight in Delaware’s backyards. This small, insectivorous songbird measures about 4.7 to 5.5 inches in length. Its distinctive dark brown upper body and lighter underbelly make it easily recognizable.
Carolina Wrens are known for their shy behavior and can often be spotted foraging around feeders. They enjoy a varied diet, consuming suet, peanuts, and sunflower seeds. Their presence is noted year-round since they do not migrate.
During the summer, they appear in about 37% of birdwatching checklists, while their sightings in winter remain significant as well. The species has a charming white eyebrow stripe and an upright tail that adds to its appeal.
6) House Sparrow
The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a common bird found in various environments, including urban and suburban areas in Delaware. It measures approximately 5.9 to 6.7 inches in length and weighs between 0.9 to 1.1 ounces.
This species is known for its adaptability and is often found near human habitation. House Sparrows are social birds, typically seen in flocks.
Their diet consists of seeds, grains, and food scraps, making them frequent visitors to bird feeders. They are particularly attracted to black oil sunflower seeds and millet.
Males are identifiable by their distinctive grayish-brown coloration with a black bib and white cheeks, while females have a more subdued brown and tan appearance. These birds are enthusiastic foragers and can be observed foraging in gardens and parks.
7) American Goldfinch
The American Goldfinch is a small, vibrant bird commonly spotted in Delaware. This species measures approximately 4.3 to 5.1 inches in length and weighs between 0.4 to 0.7 ounces.
Males are particularly striking during the breeding season, showcasing bright yellow plumage with black wings and a black cap. Females have a more subdued yellow-brown color, making them less conspicuous.
American Goldfinches are year-round residents in much of the eastern United States, including Delaware. They prefer open fields, gardens, and areas with seed-producing plants.
Their diet consists mainly of seeds, particularly from sunflowers, dandelions, and other plants. These birds are also known for their distinctive, chirpy call and acrobatic feeding habits, often hanging upside down to reach food.
8) Eastern Bluebird
The Eastern Bluebird is a striking bird commonly found in Delaware. It is easily identifiable by its vibrant blue plumage and warm orange-brown chest.
These birds prefer open areas, such as fields and meadows, making them a delight to spot in backyards. They are known for their cheerful songs and are often seen perched on fence posts or wires.
Nesting typically occurs in tree cavities or man-made birdhouses. They primarily feed on insects and berries, which makes them beneficial for gardens.
Providing suitable nesting sites and food sources can attract Eastern Bluebirds to any backyard. Their presence not only adds beauty to the area but also supports local biodiversity.
9) Red-winged Blackbird
The Red-winged Blackbird is a prominent species found in Delaware. It features striking all-black plumage with vibrant red and yellow shoulder patches.
This bird is commonly seen in wetlands, marshes, and along roadsides, particularly during the breeding season. Males engage in aggressive territorial displays to protect nesting areas.
During summer months, Red-winged Blackbirds appear in over half of all birdwatching checklists in the state. They are recognizable by their distinct calls, which include whistles and trills.
In winter, they often gather in large flocks, feeding on seeds in open fields and grasslands. Their adaptability makes them a frequent visitor to backyards, where they are attracted to feeders and scattered seeds.
10) Song Sparrow
The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a familiar sight in Delaware. This medium-sized songbird measures between 4.7 to 6.7 inches in length. It displays a predominantly brown-streaked plumage.
Song Sparrows are commonly found in open areas, such as parks and fields. They prefer habitats with shrubs and grasses, often nesting near the ground in dense foliage.
Their song is a defining characteristic, frequently heard throughout spring and summer. Males use their melodious calls to attract mates during the breeding season.
In Delaware, Song Sparrows are present year-round, providing a consistent auditory presence in various habitats. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in urban environments as well as rural areas.
11) Baltimore Oriole
The Baltimore Oriole is a striking bird known for its vibrant orange and black plumage. This species is often found in Delaware during the spring and summer months.
They are attracted to nectar and can often be seen visiting feeders filled with oriole-friendly nectar. In addition to nectar, they also eat fruits and insects, making them versatile feeders.
Males are known for their melodious flutelike songs, which are often heard before they are seen. Their singing serves to establish territory and attract mates.
Baltimore Orioles typically nest high in trees, weaving their homes from plant fibers. Birdwatchers can spot them by listening for their distinct calls and searching among the treetops.
12) Downy Woodpecker
The Downy Woodpecker is a small bird commonly found in Delaware. Its scientific name is Dryobates pubescens, and it measures about 5.5 to 7.1 inches in length. Weighing between 0.71 to 1.16 ounces, it is the smallest woodpecker species in the state.
These woodpeckers often visit backyard bird feeders, making them a favorite among bird watchers. Their diet mainly consists of insects, spiders, and seeds, with a particular fondness for suet.
The Downy Woodpecker is easily recognizable by its black and white plumage and a small amount of red on the back of the male’s head. They are known for their distinct “pecking” sounds as they forage on tree bark.
These birds are permanent residents in the region, providing delightful sightings throughout the year.
13) Common Grackle
The Common Grackle is a distinctive bird often found in Delaware’s backyards. Known for its iridescent black feathers and long tail, it is a member of the Icteridae family.
These birds typically measure between 28 to 34 cm in length. They are highly social and often form large flocks, particularly in urban areas. Their adaptability allows them to thrive in various environments.
Common Grackles are omnivorous, feeding on insects, seeds, and fruits. To attract them, providing mixed grains or seed on the ground can be effective.
Their calls are often described as harsh and varied, contributing to the lively atmosphere of a backyard. This species plays an important role in local ecosystems by controlling insect populations.
14) Eastern Towhee
The Eastern Towhee, scientifically known as Pipilo erythrophthalmus, is a striking bird often found in Delaware. It is known for its distinctive coloration, featuring black upperparts and rusty sides.
This species prefers shrubby habitats and can frequently be spotted in gardens and parks. The Eastern Towhee is more common during the breeding season, with sightings reported in about 23% of summer checklists.
In winter, its presence diminishes, appearing in only about 6% of checklists. The Eastern Towhee has a unique call that adds to its identification, making it a favorite among birdwatchers.
15) Tufted Titmouse
The Tufted Titmouse is a small bird commonly found in Delaware’s backyards. It measures about 5.5 to 6.3 inches in length and weighs between 0.6 to 0.9 ounces.
With a distinctive tufted crest and black eyes, this bird has a grayish body and a pale underside. Its cheerful “peter-peter-peter” call is a familiar sound in wooded areas.
Tufted Titmice enjoy feeding on seeds, nuts, and insects. They can often be seen at bird feeders, where they are known to be agile and active.
This species tends to be slightly larger than chickadees and closely resembles a small version of a blue jay. Their friendly nature and adaptability make them a delightful presence in any backyard setting.
16) White-breasted Nuthatch
The White-breasted Nuthatch is a common bird in Delaware, often seen at backyard feeders. This bird is characterized by its compact body, short tail, and long, pointed bill.
Its distinctive coloration includes white cheeks and chest, complemented by a blue-gray back. These features make it easily identifiable among other backyard birds.
White-breasted Nuthatches are year-round residents in Delaware, favoring deciduous forests for their habitat. They are known for their vocalizations, producing unique sounds that are relatively easy to recognize.
This species enjoys a varied diet that includes peanuts, suet, safflower seeds, and mealworms. Their presence can attract birdwatchers, enhancing the backyard experience for those who enjoy observing local wildlife.
17) Gray Catbird
The Gray Catbird is a common sight in Delaware, especially in backyards. It is known for its distinctive slate-gray plumage and a black cap on its head.
This species typically ranges from 8.3 to 9.4 inches in length. They are often spotted in dense shrubs and thickets, where they build their nests.
Gray Catbirds are notable for their varied vocalizations, which can resemble the mewing of a cat. This characteristic sound contributes to their name.
In Delaware, they are frequently attracted to bird feeders, particularly when grape jelly is offered. Their diet primarily consists of insects and berries.
With their playful nature, Gray Catbirds can be engaging birds to observe in any garden setting.
18) Indigo Bunting
The Indigo Bunting is a small songbird recognized for its vibrant blue plumage in males. Females, on the other hand, are brown and more subtly colored, allowing them to blend into their surroundings.
This species can be found across North America, particularly during breeding seasons in areas with open forests and shrubby fields. They prefer habitats that provide ample cover for nesting and foraging.
Indigo Buntings are often attracted to feeders with seeds, especially nyjer and sunflower seeds. These birds are known for their delightful songs, which they use to communicate and establish territory.
In Delaware, they migrate north in the spring and return south in the fall. Birdwatchers often seek them out during these times, enjoying both their beauty and melodious calls.
19) Cedar Waxwing
The Cedar Waxwing is a distinctive bird known for its sleek appearance and social behavior. These birds have yellow chests, black masks, and red wing tips, making them recognizable in flocks.
Typically found in berry-laden trees, Cedar Waxwings feed on fruits, particularly in the fall and winter months. Their thin, lisping cries can often be heard as they move through branches while searching for food.
These birds prefer open areas with trees and shrubs nearby. They are often seen in parks, gardens, and residential areas, becoming popular visitors during the warmer months as they nest and raise their young. Their vibrant coloring and sociable nature make them a delight for birdwatchers.
20) House Finch
The House Finch is a small bird common in Delaware, known for its adaptability to urban environments. Males display bright red plumage on their heads and chests, while females are more subdued with streaked brown feathers.
These birds typically measure between 5.1 to 5.5 inches in length. They weigh around 0.6 to 0.9 ounces and have a wingspan of 7.9 to 9.8 inches.
House Finches are year-round residents, often seen around buildings and gardens. They thrive on seeds, fruits, and buds, making backyard feeders popular spots for sightings.
Their cheerful song is a familiar sound throughout the seasons. House Finches have established a strong presence in Delaware after being introduced from the western United States.
21) Barn Swallow
The Barn Swallow is a small, agile bird known for its graceful flight and distinctive features. It has a deep-blue back and wings, with a reddish-brown underside and face. The elongated tail is deeply forked, aiding in its swift maneuvers.
In Delaware, Barn Swallows are often seen during the warmer months, feeding on insects in flight. They typically nest in barns or under eaves, using mud to create their cups.
This species migrates for winter, traveling to South America and Central America. Their diet and foraging habits focus primarily on catching flying insects, making them skilled aerial hunters.
Barn Swallows are a welcome sight in Delaware backyards, adding beauty and liveliness to the landscape. They play an important role in controlling insect populations, contributing to the local ecosystem.
22) European Starling
The European Starling is a medium-sized bird, measuring approximately 8.5 inches in length with a wingspan of about 16 inches. It is recognizable by its short tail and pink legs.
Originally native to Europe and Western Asia, the species was introduced to North America in 1890. A small group was released in New York City’s Central Park, leading to its widespread presence across the continent.
Starlings thrive in various habitats, often seen foraging near urban areas. They are known for their adaptability, frequently raiding trash cans for food.
Their diet primarily consists of insects, fruits, and seeds. Starlings can also be attracted to backyard feeders with offerings such as black oil sunflower seeds and suet.
23) Northern Mockingbird
The Northern Mockingbird is a well-known bird in Delaware, recognized for its exceptional vocal abilities. This species can mimic the calls of other birds and even sounds from its environment.
Typically, it measures between 8.3 to 10.2 inches in length. Its color is primarily gray with lighter underparts and white wing patches that are visible in flight.
Northern Mockingbirds are often found in urban areas, parks, and gardens. They prefer semi-open habitats and tend to build nests in low bushes or trees.
These birds are migratory and can be seen throughout various seasons, contributing to their popularity among birdwatchers. Their presence enhances the natural ambiance of backyards in Delaware.
24) Eastern Phoebe
The Eastern Phoebe is a small, flycatcher bird commonly found in Delaware. It has a distinct appearance, with a grayish-brown body, darker wings, and a light-colored underside.
This species is known for its distinctive, сharacteristic call, which sounds like “feebee.” It often perches on low branches or fences, making it a familiar sight in backyards.
Eastern Phoebes are insectivorous, primarily feeding on flies and other small insects. They can also be seen hunting from a stationary position, darting out to catch prey in mid-air.
During the breeding season, these birds build their nests under eaves or in similar sheltered locations. They are known for their adaptability and can thrive in various habitats, including urban areas.
25) Chipping Sparrow
Chipping Sparrows are common backyard visitors in Delaware. They are easily identifiable by their rust-colored crown and slim body.
These birds primarily feed on seeds, particularly enjoying black oil sunflower seeds and mixed seed offerings. They often forage on the ground, which makes them approachable for backyard observation.
Chipping Sparrows prefer habitats such as open woods, gardens, and areas with scattered trees. Their presence can be heightened during migration periods.
They are often seen in flocks, especially in spring and fall. Bird watchers appreciate their cheerful songs which add to the vibrant sounds of local environments.
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