15 Birds That Eat Mealworms (With Pictures!)

A comprehensive list of birds that eat mealworms

Want to transform your backyard into a birdwatcher’s paradise? Mealworms are the secret ingredient to attracting a colorful variety of birds to your backyard! Packed with protein and loved by countless bird species, mealworms—whether live, dried, or gel—are a surefire way to bring nature closer to your home.

In this guide, we’ll explore 15 bird species that enjoy eating mealworms and share simple tips to get them flocking to your feeders. Plus, mealworms are a lifesaver during colder months when natural insect food is scarce. Ready to make your backyard the ultimate bird haven? Let’s dive in!

Why Birds Love Mealworms

Mealworms are a great source of protein and fat, which are essential for birds, especially during breeding and nesting seasons. They also mimic the natural diet of many insectivorous birds, making them a favorite choice for backyard bird enthusiasts.

  • Nutritional Value: High in protein, fat, and essential nutrients.
  • Year-round Benefits: Suitable for feeding birds during breeding, nesting, or winter months.
  • Versatility: Can be offered live, dried, or rehydrated to suit the needs of different bird species.

In addition to their nutritional benefits, mealworms are clean and easy to handle, making them an ideal choice for bird enthusiasts who want to avoid messier food options.

15 Bird Species That Eat Mealworms

1. American Robin

American robin enjoying mealworms

The American Robin is a common garden visitor known for its love of mealworms, especially during the spring when feeding its chicks. These birds are often seen foraging on lawns but will readily come to feeders stocked with mealworms.

  • Diet: Primarily earthworms, berries, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Place mealworms on a platform feeder or scatter them on the ground near bushes.

2. Eastern Bluebird

Eastern bluebird enjoying mealworms

Eastern Bluebirds are vibrant and highly sought after by birdwatchers. Mealworms are a staple during their breeding season, helping them sustain their energy levels while caring for their young.

  • Diet: Insects, worms, and berries.
  • Attracting Tips: Use a mealworm feeder with perches to cater to their preferences, and position it in open spaces.

3. Chickadee

Chickadee enjoying mealworms

Both Black-capped Chickadees and Carolina Chickadees are small but active birds that enjoy mealworms. They often visit feeders multiple times in quick succession.

  • Diet: Seeds, insects, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Offer mealworms in a dish or small feeder close to shrubs or trees where they can retreat.

4. Nuthatch

Nuthatch enjoying mealworms

The White-breasted Nuthatch and other nuthatch species incorporate mealworms into their protein-rich diet, especially during colder months when insects are scarce.

  • Diet: Seeds, nuts, and insects.
  • Attracting Tips: Use hanging feeders that deter larger birds and place them near tree trunks.

5. Woodpecker

Woodpecker enjoying mealworms

Various woodpeckers, including Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, are attracted to mealworms. They enjoy the added protein during nesting season and colder months.

  • Diet: Insects, nuts, and suet.
  • Attracting Tips: Place mealworms in suet cakes or trays attached to trees.

6. Tufted Titmouse

Tufted titmouse enjoying mealworms

This curious and energetic bird appreciates mealworms, especially in colder months when natural food sources are limited. They often grab mealworms and fly off to consume them in safety.

  • Diet: Seeds, insects, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Offer mealworms in a dish near trees or shrubs where they feel secure.

7. Wren

Carolina wren enjoying mealworms

The Carolina Wren is particularly fond of mealworms and will visit feeders frequently, especially during nesting season. Their cheerful songs are a delightful addition to any backyard.

  • Diet: Insects, spiders, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Use an open feeder or scatter mealworms on the ground in sheltered areas.

8. Thrush

Hermit thrush enjoying mealworms

Species such as the Hermit Thrush and American Robin include mealworms in their diet. These birds are often shy but will be drawn to mealworms placed in quiet areas.

  • Diet: Berries, insects, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Place mealworms in ground feeders or on flat surfaces hidden from predators.

9. Starling

Starling enjoying mealworms

Though often considered a pest, Starlings will consume mealworms when available. Their opportunistic nature makes them quick to discover new food sources.

  • Diet: Insects, fruits, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Use a feeder designed for smaller birds to avoid overfeeding starlings.

10. House Sparrow

House sparrow enjoying mealworms

The House Sparrow is a common urban bird that readily eats mealworms. These adaptable birds are frequent visitors to feeders in suburban and city settings.

  • Diet: Grains, seeds, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Scatter mealworms in open areas or on patio feeders.

11. Blue Tit

Blue tit enjoying mealworms

This small European bird enjoys a variety of foods, including mealworms. Blue Tits are agile and can access mealworms in hanging feeders.

  • Diet: Insects, seeds, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Offer mealworms in a dish or hanging feeder positioned in well-visited areas.

12. Great Tit

Great tit bird enjoying mealworms

Similar to the Blue Tit, the Great Tit also loves mealworms as a source of protein. They are bold and often outcompete smaller birds at feeders.

  • Diet: Insects, nuts, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Place mealworms in a platform feeder to accommodate their size.

13. Siskin

Siskin enjoying mealworms

These small finches occasionally consume mealworms, especially during nesting season when insects are an important part of their diet.

  • Diet: Seeds, insects, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Combine mealworms with seeds in a hanging feeder to attract them.

14. Blackbird

Blackbird enjoying mealworms

Often seen foraging in gardens, Blackbirds appreciate mealworms for their high nutritional value. They can often be spotted in ground-level feeders or digging through soil.

  • Diet: Worms, fruits, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Scatter mealworms on the ground or use a low platform feeder to mimic their natural feeding habits.

15. Orioles

Oriole enjoying mealworms

While primarily fruit eaters, Orioles consume mealworms to supplement their diet during the breeding season. This extra protein helps them raise healthy chicks.

  • Diet: Fruits, nectar, and mealworms.
  • Attracting Tips: Place mealworms near orange halves or grape jelly feeders to entice them.

How to Offer Mealworms to Birds

Here are some practical tips for feeding mealworms to attract these bird species:

Tray FeedersFlat feeders allow easy access for birds like robins and blackbirds.
Hanging FeedersIdeal for small birds like chickadees and nuthatches.
Ground FeedingScatter mealworms on the ground for thrushes and sparrows.
Mix with FoodCombine mealworms with seeds, fruits, or suet to attract a variety of birds.

Additionally, consider storing dried mealworms in airtight containers to maintain freshness. Rehydrating dried mealworms with warm water can make them more appealing to birds that prefer soft textures.

Benefits of Feeding Mealworms to birds

  • Supports Breeding: High-protein food helps during nesting and chick-rearing.
  • Winter Nutrition: Provides essential fats and proteins during colder months.
  • Attracts Diversity: Brings a variety of bird species to your backyard.
  • Encourages Regular Visits: Birds will return consistently once they recognize your yard as a reliable food source.

By offering mealworms, you can create a lively and diverse birdwatching experience in your backyard. Providing this high-quality food source ensures that birds remain healthy and active throughout the year.


What are some lesser-known birds that eat mealworms?

Lesser-known birds include Siskins, Wrens (e.g., Carolina Wren), Blue Tits, Great Tits, and Hermit Thrushes.

How do mealworms benefit birds during different seasons?

In spring and summer, mealworms help with breeding and chick-rearing. In autumn, they aid in fat storage for migration. In winter, they provide essential protein when insects are scarce.

Can mealworms be mixed with other birdseed for better results?

Yes, mix mealworms with seeds, suet, peanuts, or fruit to attract a variety of birds and provide balanced nutrition.

Are there any birds that prefer live mealworms over dried ones?

Yes, birds like Bluebirds, Robins, and Wrens prefer live mealworms due to their natural movement and softness.

How often should I refill a mealworm feeder to keep birds interested?

Refill daily or every other day to keep mealworms fresh. Increase frequency during peak seasons like spring and winter.

Kayden bliss

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